Camilo Atala Faraj, a leader committed to the people.

Camilo Atala Faraj is a businessman of great sensibility, for that, he’s a leader committed to the people, generating opportunities for everyone equally, action that not only benefits particulars but boosts the Honduran growth too.

To the Ficohsa Financial Group President, doing business in Central America implies a bet for the region and a commitment to the progress. It’s necessary that the private sector is committed to the people, that fights against poverty and supports a better quality of life for people.

Camilo Atala Faraj: Central America is a region full of opportunities.

“We have bet on Central America, because it’s a region filled with opportunities, something that allows it to be an international example, the companies and people must know that investing in Central America represents a wide potential for success”, Camilo Atala Faraj.

In the last years the businessman lends support to the entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized companies, to realize their projects and achieve a greater stability that allows for them to have more economic opportunities in the future.

The executive knows that the times are changeable, for that we have to have a clear common objective that allows us to focus the attention and not deviate from the path, so that everyone can generate a transcendental connection that helps achieve the objectives.

Ficohsa Financial Group up to date with the technology.

The Ficohsa Financial Group adjusts to the technological innovations, as these represent the opportunity for the banking sector to offer the pioneering products and at the same time facilitate to make the everyday life easier to the clients and take advantage of every service’s benefit.


«Successful models change every day and new technologies mean that we must always be aware of what is happening, of the new platforms on which we must interact with our customers, employees and key stakeholders,» the entrepreneur said.

By Rosel Geek

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